SAY NO to accidental leaks!

Did you know that research suggests that 1 in 3 women suffer from urinary incontinence? 

Urinary incontinence can have a dramatic effect on a woman’s quality of life. Women often give up socializing and exercising when they suffer from urinary incontinence. They even report a decrease in self-confidence and intimacy as a result of incontinence.

Urinary incontinence doesn’t just affect women though. Men have the same pelvic floor muscles as women. The pelvic floor muscles in a man’s body support his prostate and bladder. Accidental leaks might happen if your pelvic floor muscles, which support your bladder, are weak. There are three types of urinary incontinence: stress incontinence (leaking during physical activity), urge (strong, sudden leaking), and mixed (a combination of stress and urge). Incontinence is often a natural result of aging. It can also occur secondary to pregnancy, childbirth and pelvic surgery.

This is why it’s important for you to know the available treatments, including EMsella!

Our practice offers urinary incontinence treatment using EMsella, the latest technology in non-invasive and painless treatment for incontinence.

EMsella uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology (HIFEM) to target and stimulate pelvic floor muscles. This revolutionary technology uses magnetic fields to cause 11,000 pelvic floor muscle contractions AND relaxations all at once. This level of pelvic floor strengthening and re-education is impossible through Kegel exercises alone.

EMsella is suitable for people of all ages, genders, and fitness levels, as it doesn’t require specific physical activity or dieting. It’s also non-invasive, quick and convenient with a session lasting only 28 minutes. A treatment protocol includes 6 sessions.


  • Your optimal results will take approximately 3 months. However, many patients see results after just one sessions!

  • Your results will last for, on average, one year. Like any muscles, your pelvic floor muscles need continued exercise to stay strong.

  • The FDA approval of EMsella doesn’t involve follow up treatments. However, we offer our patients free monthly maintenance treatments for one year!

  • During the procedure, you will feel tingling and your pelvic floor muscles will contract. EMsella treatments are painless.

  • You can get back to your regular activities right away after your EMsella treatment.

  • For the best results, wear loose clothing. You’ll remain fully clothed as you sit in our comfortable EMsella chair. Before treatment, please remove all jewelry and objects, such as coins and keys from your pockets.

  • A treatment protocol includes six EMsella sessions. We recommend two sessions per week for three weeks or one session per week for six weeks.